For more than 50 years, the Joint Aircraft Survivability Program (JASP) and its predecessors have worked to enhance combat effectiveness, improve coordination of R&D endeavors, and facilitate technology development and fielding for U.S. air systems. An important part of these efforts is the Aircraft Survivability journal (ASJ), published three times a year and distributed at no charge to practitioners across the industry. JASP invites you to be a part of the ASJ community and stay connected with your colleagues and the latest happenings in the field. It’s free and easy to keep in touch. To read or download the current or a previous ASJ issue, see below. You can also join the ASJ mailing list; request back issues; and/or submit article ideas, abstracts, or News Notes at the links provided.
Summer 2021
7 From Sanctuary to Warfighting Domain: A Space System Survivability Framework17 Flying Straight Up: A Birthday Salute to the 100-Year-Old Helicopter
24 Distance No Longer Equals Protection: Keeping Pace With Hypersonic Weapons
30 ‘Spirit’ of Survivability: Lessons From AC-130 Loss 30 Years Ago Still Saving Lives