- The M&S Credibility Workshop II: Planning for the Credible Employment of M&S in Acquisition
- Modeling and Simulation Credibility
- A Warfighter’s Perspective on Aircraft Survivability
- The PUSH for an Advanced Joint Effectiveness Model (AJEM)
- Successful Correlation of M&S to Live Fire Test Results for the U.S. Army’s SI*IRCM Program
- Credibility Assessment of MAPADS Hit-Point Predictions
- 2002 Threat Warheads and Effects Seminar
- Dry Bay Fire Model Enhancements: Meeting the Difficulty
- The JSF LFT&E Program
- Educating Warfighters and Acquisition Professionals on the Fundamentals of Aircraft Survivability Combat through VTC
- Young Engineers in Survivability—Mr. Jeffery Wuich