FY25 Call for Proposals

The Joint Aircraft Survivability Program (JASP) is soliciting project proposals for its FY25 program.

The Joint Aircraft Survivability Program (JASP) is soliciting project proposals for its FY25 program.  The JASP seeks proposals that provide or enable a timely and specific, operationally-relevant capability geared toward mitigating U.S. aircraft losses in combat.

The JASP FY25 Call for Proposals (CFP) package provides detailed objectives and proposal submission guidance. The package is available for download at: https://www.dodtechipedia.mil/dodwiki/x/6YqsPg

If you do not currently have a DTIC account, please go to: http://www.dtic.mil and create a new account. You can also contact Darnell Marbury of JASPO at 703-604-0387 or via email: t.d.marbury.ctr@us.navy.mil

*Proposals must be submitted to the JASP Office (JASPO) by close of business 31 January 2024.

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