Computation of Vulnerable Area Tool

Acronym:  COVART

COVART is the primary M&S tool provided with the Vulnerability Toolkit, and it is used to evaluate the vulnerability of fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft to a wide range of ballistic threats. It is a fast-running tool that calculates the probability of target defeat given a threat impact or engagement.  COVART is widely used in support of system development, specification compliance and Live Fire Test and Evaluation (LFT&E).  The primary outputs of COVART are the probability of kill for a given encounter or a calculation of the vulnerable area of an aircraft for a given attack aspect.

Tool Type:
JASP-Supported Tool
JASP Responsible Subgroup:
Vulnerability Assessment and Reduction (VAR)
Model Level:
Model Focus:
Ballistic Vulnerability
Threat Type Modeled:
Model Manager:
Jonathan Marshall
Developing Organization:
Defense Systems Information Analysis Center
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