Fast Line-of-Sight Imagery for Targets and Exhaust-Plume Signatures

Acronym:  FLITES

FLITES is a scene-generation tool supporting simulations involving electro-optical (EO), IR, and UV sensors.  By estimating what a sensor sees (i.e., the system’s signature) within a given domain, FLITES can support sensor algorithm development, hardware-in-the-loop (HWIL) testing, closed-loop digital simulations, and visualization studies.  FLITES has been used to provide aircraft signatures for susceptibility and survivability studies supporting analyses of alternatives (AoAs), requirements compliance evaluations, and system effectiveness assessments.

Tool Type:
JASP-Recommended Tool
Model Level:
Model Focus:
Infrared (IR), Ultraviolet (UV), and Visual Scene Generation
Threat Type Modeled:
(With IR, UV, or Visual Seekers)
Developing Organization:
Defense Systems Information Analysis Center
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