Flare Aerodynamic Modeling Environment

Acronym:  FLAME

FLAME is a simulation tool supporting the design of IR expendable decoy (i.e., flare) solutions for new and existing aircraft. The user can specify an aircraft, the location and orientation of flare dispensers, and the pattern for the flares dispensed by the system. FLAME then executes a physics-based simulation for each flare in the pattern and outputs the resulting trajectories. Users typically couple this trajectory information with flare radiant intensity data provided by the Tri-Service Flare Database (TFD) for use as inputs to high-fidelity threat engagement simulations to predict decoy effectiveness. FLAME can also be used in a stand-alone configuration to design timing and dispenser sequencing for flare patterns. The FLAME trajectory simulation engine has been integrated into IR missile engagement tools such as MOSAIC, RSIMS, GTSIMS, and ISAMS.

Tool Type:
JASP-Recommended Tool
Model Level:
Model Focus:
Physics-Based Flare Trajectory Simulation and Flare Pattern Simulator
Developing Organization:
Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division
Defense Systems Information Analysis Center
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