Modeling System for Advanced Investigation of Countermeasures

Acronym:  MOSAIC

MOSAIC evaluates the effects of countermeasures against IR-guided threats.  The tool is capable of simulating few-on-few, end-to-end engagements between aircraft and IR-guided threats and is supported with data obtained from hardware-in-the-loop (HWIL) and field testing.  The tool determines the probability that a given threat impacts the aircraft when launched from a given location, as well as the miss distance at the point of closest approach.  With these outputs, MOSAIC can support (IRCM development, HWIL and field testing, and susceptibility studies to inform acquisition decisions.

Tool Type:
JASP-Recommended Tool
Model Level:
Model Focus:
Infrared Countermeasure Evaluation
Threat Type Modeled:
Developing Organization:
Robert Desonia
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