Overarching Dynamic Electronic-Warfare System Standard Architecture

Acronym:  ODESSA

ODESSA is a tool capable of modeling the effects of electronic warfare (EW) on the performance of RF systems. The tool accounts for the effects of transmission losses due to range, transmissivity, terrain, and filtering.  Included in the players that ODESSA can simulate are jammers; radios; radars; command, control, and communication (C3) systems; and air defense artillery systems.  The tool is packaged with several NGIC-approved threat models for various EW-related systems and can facilitate EW studies supporting CM development, system acquisition decisions, and EW testing.

Tool Type:
JASP-Recommended Tool
Model Level:
Engineering, Engagement, Mission
Model Focus:
Electronic-Warfare Simulation
Threat Type Modeled:
(The electronics-guided portions)
Developing Organization:
NGIC M&S Office
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