Tri-Service Flare Database
Acronym: TFD
TFD is a database providing flare intensity data for all in-service expendable IR decoys employed by the Services. The database typically is packaged with FLAME and provides data that have been recorded during a multitude of flight tests. The data are stored spectrally and are available to be integrated into high-fidelity threat engagement simulations (e.g., MOSAIC, RSIMS, GTSIMS, and ISAMS) to provide radiant intensity inputs received by sensors and threat missiles. These data assist the assessment of aircraft survivability against IR threats and can aid the development of IRCM systems when used with FLAME, which provides decoy trajectories.
Tool Type:
JASP-Recommended Tool
JASP-Recommended Tool
Model Level:
Model Focus:
Flare Spectral Radiant Intensity Data
Flare Spectral Radiant Intensity Data
Developing Organization:
Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division
Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division
Defense Systems Information Analysis Center
Defense Systems Information Analysis Center