AOC Collaborative EW Symposium

-March 13, 2025
AOC Mugu Symposium Graphic

Theme: Coalition EW in near-peer conflict

Objective: Any future near-peer conflict will almost certainly involve coalition warfighting. For such, many standards in kinetic weapons, communications, and operations have been instantiated, as in NATO. EW has arguably been less standardized with regard to desired synergies and required interoperability in coalition spectrum warfare. Therefore, EW synergies and interoperability across coalition forces are worth exploring. We seek to cover any and all aspects of current and future EW and intend to address how these might work in the most difficult and challenging warfighting context for which we can prepare in coalition near-peer conflict. Prominent leaders, contributors, and representatives from the AUKUS Partners: Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States will gather from government, academia, and industry to address EW challenges and opportunities in the coalition warfighting.

Classification of Sessions: US Secret, Releasable Australia, Releasable United Kingdom (US Secret REL AUKUS)


Station Theater Point Mugu
Phone:  805-982-5554

Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC), Point Mugu
311 Main Road, Building 114 (next to the Chapel of Faith on 4th and Mugu Road)
NBVC Point Mugu, CA 93042


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(Association of Old Crows)
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