JASP Model Users Meeting (JMUM) 2024

-March 29, 2024
Maj. Joshua Gunderson, F-22 Raptor Demonstration Team commander and pilot, maneuvers into a climb after a tactical pitch at the Cold Lake Air Show in Alberta, Canada, July 17, 2022. The F-22's two Pratt and Whitney F119 Turbofan engines bring a combined 70,000 pounds of thrust in combination with two-dimensional thrust vectoring to enable maximum maneuverability for the multirole air-to-air stealth fighter. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Don Hudson)
The 2024 Joint Aircraft Survivability Program (JASP) Model Users Meeting (JMUM) will take place 26–28 March 2024 at John Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD  20723. The purpose of this recurring meeting is to provide model users, managers, stakeholders, and other interested individuals with information about the latest developments and updates associated with JASP-sponsored models and other models used throughout the aircraft survivability technical community. An initial plenary session will start on Tuesday, 26 March 2024. The tentative plan is to hold vulnerability/lethality, surface-to-air, and air-to-air breakout sessions after completion of the plenary that will begin on Wednesday, 27 March 2024, and continue all day on Thursday, 28 March 2024. Attendees will be briefed on the latest software developments, upgrades, and threat model updates in a DoD-classified environment. The focus of this year’s JMUM will be on full-spectrum multidomain survivability modeling and simulation (M&S) (i.e., assessing aircraft survivability in environments that include both kinetic and nonkinetic threats working in tandem). Historically, the meeting includes a combined plenary session followed by concurrent group breakout sessions on specific topics (e.g., vulnerability/lethality, air-to-air threat assessments, surface-to-air assessments, lasers, etc.). Check the schedule/agenda page for the latest information on the sessions. JMUM attendees are encouraged to share insights and lessons learned from the practical use of aircraft survivability-related models in their respective user group breakouts. (Refer to the “Schedule” tab for the daily schedule.) If you are a presenter, please send your unclassified briefing by 11 March 2024 to Alfred Yee at alfred.yee@dsiac.org or alfred.yee.ctr@us.af.mil. If you have classified briefing(s), please SIPR them by 4 March 2024 to alfred.q.yee.ctr@mail.smil.mil. If you are interested in presenting at the JMUM or have any questions, please contact Alfred Yee, DSIAC, at 937-255-4608 or alfred.yee@dsiac.org or Ryan Gilpin, SURVICE Engineering, at 937-431-9914 or ryan.gilpin@survice.com.


Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Phone:  240-228-5000

11100 Johns Hopkins Rd
Laurel, MD 20723


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